Quality Electronic Cigarette and Protable Vaporizer Made in China

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Home > Shipping Policy

Incoterms(delivery terms) used in transaction is FOB HongKong,which means,the Seller pays for transportation of goods to HongKong DHL for shipment, loading cost.The buyer pays cost of marine freight transportation, insurance, unloading and transportation cost from HongKong DHL to destination. The passing of risk occurs when the goods are left HongKong DHL company for the destination.In that case,the Buyer arranges the pickup of the freight from the seller's designated ship site, owns the in-transit freight,and is responsible for all risks and clearing the goods through Customs.

I. When we ship?

Generally, we need 1-3 working days to finish the small orders, 2~4 working days to finish medium order, for larger order (more than 500 sets with OEM),  we need about 7 working days or longer to finish it. once we finish the order, we will give the goods to our forwarder, then the order start to ship.

II. What way do we use to ship your order? (you can choose the best way to delivery the order.)

China EMS (shipping time about 7 days)

HK EMS (shipping time about 5 days)

HK DHL (shipping time about 2~4 days)

HK UPS (shipping time about 2~4 days)

Air Shipping (shipping time about 7 ~15 days)

Sea Shipping (shipping time about 10 ~30 days)

III. Where can we ship ?

Generally, we can ship our products to every country, our customers are from everywhere in the world

America: United States (Every state), Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc.

Europe:  UK, Germany, France, Italy, Malta, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, etc

Asia-Pacific:  Australia, New Zealand, French Polynesia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, India, etc.

Africa: South Africa, Egypt, etc.

. Notes

1. we ship our goods all with the help of our forwarder, so once we finish the order, we will give the goods to our forwarder, then our forwarder will hand the goods to the shipping company (EMS/DHL/UPS/TNT etc.), in this situation, forwarder need 1~2 days to transfer the goods, so you can see the tracking result on the website in the next day or after 2 days after we tell you the waybill number number. if we ship goods on the Saturday, you may see the tracking result on the next Monday

2. for China EMS or HK EMS, you can track it with the waybill number,
China EMS tracking number format: EE123456789CN

HK EMS tracking number format: EA123456789HK

3. for UPS or DHL or TNT, you can not track it with the waybill number, there should be another related tracking number after we ship.

UPS waybill Number format: H123 4567 890 .

UPS related tracking number format: 1Z123F0E0456789012 (the tracking number available on the next day afternoon after we ship)

DHL waybill Number format: 890 1234 567

DHL related tracking number format: 3325123456 (the tracking number available on the next day afternoon after we ship)

if we ship your order on Saturday, we can give you the related tracking number on the next Monday.

If you have problem on tracking, please feel free to contact us for help.

